Full-funded PhD Scholarships at Aston University

The College of Business and Social Sciences (BSS) at Aston University invites applications for up to six fully-funded PhD studentships from strong candidates in any of the research areas covered by the College.

BSS is a multi-disciplinary research-focused College which brings together researchers in Aston Business School (ABS), Aston Law School (ALS) and the School of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).  Further information on the College’s research areas can be found via the application page (link below).

The studentships are for full-time study over three years, commencing 1st October 2023 with a completion date of 30th September 2026.

Financial Support
Will be provided to the successful applicant to cover tuition fees at either the Home or Overseas rate plus a maintenance grant at the standard UKRI rate (£17,668 p.a. in 2022/23) with the corresponding standard increases in subsequent years.

Person Specification
The successful applicant should have a first class or upper second class honours degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant subject area. They should have, or be near to completing, a postgraduate qualification such as a Masters degree or equivalent. An overall merit grade with merit in the dissertation is normally required.

Full information on how to apply can be found here

Applications must be submitted by 23.59 (UK time) on Tuesday 31st January 2023

For further information on how to apply please contact the BSS Research Office at bss_ro@aston.ac.uk


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